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Trucks Mod Pack v 1.5
[ · Скачать мод с нашего сайта () ] 03.04.2017, 16:45

Trucks List:
* Kenworth T600
* Kenworth T800
* Freightliner Classic XL
* Freightliner FLB
* Freightliner Argosy
* Volvo VNL 670

Version 1.5:
* Added New Trucks: Volvo VNL 670 + AI + Jobs
* Merged all files into one – no more loading order
* Solved nasty bugs, most missing icons and other stuff
* Leveling and pricing adjustements
* Tidied up the code a little so there should be less console errors by a mile
* Rig’n’Roll soundtrack that is in the additional file for your ears and nostalgia

odd_fellow, dmitry68, Stels, oq37, Ventures, vitalik062, Carlos, Jon_Ruda, Sergej Baltazar, Kriechbaum, piva,DnO, SCS Software and others, Updates john1982

Категория: Грузовики | Добавил: whore
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